Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeNEWSKitui East Youth Leader Calls for Overhaul in President Ruto's Cabinet

Kitui East Youth Leader Calls for Overhaul in President Ruto’s Cabinet

In a bold statement, Kitui East youth leader Katunda Kingangi has called for a complete overhaul of President William Ruto’s cabinet, emphasizing the need for a more competent and focused leadership team to ensure the administration’s success and stability.

Kingangi criticized the current cabinet members, describing them as “clueless and rudderless,” with the notable exceptions of Musalia Mudavadi and Rigathi Gachagua. He lauded Mudavadi for his sobriety and Gachagua for his faithful advisory role to the President. The rest of the cabinet, according to Kingangi, comprises “professional sycophants” who lack the necessary vision and direction.

“President Ruto must dissolve his cabinet if he wants to succeed and maintain his grip on power,” Kingangi stated. “He must separate friendship from leadership. While it is acceptable to offer business opportunities to friends within the government, allowing them to hold significant leadership positions in Parliament, the Senate, the military, NIS, DCIO, and the police undermines the integrity of these crucial institutions.”

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Kingangi also targeted National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, labeling him the “worst speaker in the history of Kenya” and calling for his immediate replacement.

“The institutions of Parliament, the Senate, the military, NIS, DCIO, and the police are the fabric of our nation,” Kingangi said. “They should be led by individuals with the highest level of competence and integrity, not by friends who lack the necessary skills and qualifications.”

This statement comes amid growing concerns about the effectiveness of President Ruto’s cabinet and the direction of his administration. Kingangi’s remarks are expected to spark significant debate and could influence upcoming political decisions within the government.


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