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HomeAGRICULTUREMalombe's Minister Advocates for Women's Empowerment Through Climate-Smart Agriculture on KTN TV

Malombe’s Minister Advocates for Women’s Empowerment Through Climate-Smart Agriculture on KTN TV

On Monday, 17th June 2024 – Dr. Stephen Mbaya Kimwele, the Kitui County Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, appeared on KTN TV to discuss the county’s deliberate efforts to economically empower women through climate-smart agriculture.

During the interview, Dr. Kimwele outlined a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing the role of women in agriculture, improving food security, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. He emphasized that women are crucial to the agricultural sector and that empowering them can lead to significant economic and social benefits.

Key strategies highlighted by Dr. Kimwele include the introduction of drought-resistant crops, training programs on sustainable farming practices, and the provision of microloans to women farmers. These initiatives are designed not only to boost agricultural productivity but also to ensure that farming practices are resilient to the changing climate.

“The empowerment of women in agriculture is a priority for Kitui County. By equipping them with the necessary skills and resources, we can enhance food security and build a more resilient agricultural sector,” Dr. Kimwele stated.

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He also mentioned partnerships with various non-governmental organizations and international bodies to support these programs, ensuring that the initiatives are well-funded and sustainable in the long term.

This focus on climate-smart agriculture is part of a broader county strategy to address the challenges posed by climate change. By promoting environmentally friendly farming techniques, the county aims to reduce its carbon footprint and foster a more sustainable future.

Dr. Kimwele’s appearance on KTN TV underscores the county’s commitment to these goals and highlights the critical role of women in driving agricultural innovation and resilience. The county government hopes that these efforts will serve as a model for other regions facing similar challenges.

As Kitui County continues to implement these initiatives, it remains dedicated to supporting its women farmers and ensuring that agriculture remains a viable and sustainable source of livelihood for all its residents.


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