Tuesday, July 2, 2024


On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – Members of the County Assembly on Wednesday debated and unanimously approved the Kitui County budget estimates for the 2024/25 fiscal year, pursuant to the provisions of Section 131(1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 as read together with Standing Order No. 186(3).

While moving the motion, the Chairperson, Budget and Appropriations Committee, Hon. Zacchaeus Syengo pointed out that the submitted county total budget was Kshs. 12, 702,160,932. ‘‘Mr, Speaker Sir, the submitted budget for the FY 2024/2025 is proposed to be financed through the following;- Equitable share of Kshs. 10,990,205,956, Grants of Kshs. 1,111,954,976 while Our Own Source Revenue stands at kshs.600,000,000,” stated Hon. Syengo.

He however noted that following the approval of DORA which added Kshs 9B to the Counties, Kitui County Equitable share increased with Kshs.254,116,506, thus increasing Kitui County equitable share to Kshs. 11,244,322,462. In this view, the proposed resource envelope to finance County Budget Estimates 2024/25, has been recommended at Kshs. 12,956,277,438.

Hon. Syengo added that the said grants are as contained in the County Government Additional Allocation Bill (CGAAB), 2024 which he said is under consideration by the National Parliament. “It is important to note that, the actual grants will be ascertained once the subject Bill is approved”, stated Hon. Syengo.

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Hon. Cate Kalenga, Vice Chairperson, County Budget and Appropriations Committee while seconding the motion, emphasized the responsiveness of the budget. “Mr. Speaker, this budget is for the people of Kitui and must respond to their needs’’, said Hon. Kalenga.

The health ministry received the lion’s share of Ksh 3,852,172,162, representing 30% of the total budget. This is followed closely by the Office of the Governor with an allocation of kshs.2,032,933,603. Other department with major allocations include the ministry of Education, Training and Skills Development at Kshs. 1,043,425,266 and the County Assembly at kshs.1,100,630,000.

MCAs applauded the Budget Committee for coming up with a balanced budget. They further lauded the committee for increasing road widening and dozing works from 5kms to 10kms per ward, road grading from 40kms to 60kms per ward, and the CLIDP money from Kshs. 710 million to Kshs.750 million.

The Speaker, Hon. Kevin Kinengo Katisya, thanked the House for passing the budget and encouraged them to actively continue participating in Assembly business. He further assured them of his support, in ensuring the approved budget is fully implemented by the county executive, so that the people of Kitui can benefit from it.

For details on the approved budget estimates, visit

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