Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeNEWSkitui MCA Proposes Major Cuts in Government Spending to Enhance National Progress

kitui MCA Proposes Major Cuts in Government Spending to Enhance National Progress


In a bold move aimed at streamlining government expenditure and enhancing national progress, Yatta Kwa Vonza MCA, Hon. Mark Ndingo, has proposed a series of sweeping reforms. Among his recommendations was a 50% reduction in the salaries of all state officers, starting from the President down to Members of County Assemblies (MCAs). Additionally, Ndingo suggests the abolition of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and a significant reduction in the number of ministers and Principal Secretaries (PSs) to ten each.

The MCA’s proposal also includes halting harambees (fundraising events), pausing all development projects, supplies, and renovations for five years, and focusing on paying off pending bills. He advocates for the removal of budget allocations for tea and petty cash in government institutions, ceasing public holiday celebrations, and suspending foreign travel for state officers for the next five years.

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Ndingo further recommends stopping public hiring and imposing a restriction on all public officers to one car with an engine capacity of under 2000cc. He also calls for quarterly lifestyle audits for all state officers to ensure transparency and accountability.

“If these measures are implemented, the country will experience significant progress,” said Hon. Ndingo. His proposal has sparked discussions nationwide, with various stakeholders weighing in on the feasibility and potential impact of such drastic reforms.

Photo file: Kwa vonza MCA hon Mark Ndingo
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