Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeAGRICULTUREKwa Vonz MCA Hon Ndingo Officiates Illumination Project in Kaw'ongo Market

Kwa Vonz MCA Hon Ndingo Officiates Illumination Project in Kaw’ongo Market


In a gesture of commitment to escalated community development, Hon. Mark Nding’o, the MCA of Yatta Kwavonza ward, took a significant step forward in illuminating Kaw’ongo Market.

This initiative marks the installation of 5 street lights, colloquially known as ‘mulika mwizi’, in the vibrant Nthongoni village.

Addressing the jubilant crowd gathered at Kaw’ongo Market, Hon. Mark Nding’o expressed his dedication to ensuring every corner of YKV ward experiences meaningful development. “YKV ward, big as it is, I am trying my best to reach every corner with some piece of development project,” he emphasized.

The site handover to the contractor for the installation signifies a tangible commitment to enhancing safety and security in the bustling market area. With representatives from the community and local authorities present, the event symbolized collaborative efforts towards positive change.

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Nthongoni VA James Kamuu, along with sub-county engineers Mr. Mutati & James, lent their support to this endeavor, highlighting the importance of such projects in fostering community well-being.

Governor Malombe and Hon. Mark Nding’o’s pledge to continue seeking projects for the benefit of the people underscores a proactive approach to governance.

As the lights shine brightly over Kaw’ongo Market, they serve as a beacon of progress and hope for a brighter future for all residents.

Let us join hands in appreciating and safeguarding the developments that come our way, while remaining hopeful for more transformative projects to uplift our communities. Together, we can create a thriving environment where everyone can flourish.


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