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HomeNEWSPatrick M. Kitonga from Mwingi Central Secures Prestigious Role at Parliamentary Service...

Patrick M. Kitonga from Mwingi Central Secures Prestigious Role at Parliamentary Service Commission


In a momentous achievement for Kitui County, Patrick M. Kitonga from Mwingi Central has been appointed to a distinguished position at the Parliamentary Service Commission of Kenya.This significant development has garnered widespread appreciation from the residents of Kitui, who see it as a clear demonstration of the Kenya Kwanza government’s commitment to creating job opportunities for its citizens.

The people of Kitui have expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Commissioner Muthama Nduya and William Ruto’s administration for their dedication to ensuring equitable distribution of employment opportunities across the nation.

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Kitonga’s appointment is viewed as a positive step towards fostering inclusivity and promoting development, benefiting not only the people of Kitui but also Kenya as a whole.

Patrick M. Kitonga from Mwingi Central Appointed to Parliamentary Service Commission.

This appointment is expected to serve as a powerful inspiration to many in the region, reinforcing the belief that merit and hard work are duly recognized and rewarded. The Parliamentary Service Commission, which is instrumental in supporting the legislative functions of the Kenyan Parliament, stands to benefit greatly from Kitonga’s expertise and commitment.

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As Patrick M. Kitonga steps into his new role, the community remains optimistic that such opportunities will continue to be extended to more individuals, driving growth and progress throughout the country. This appointment is a beacon of hope for many, symbolizing the potential for positive change and development in Kenya.


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