Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeAGRICULTUREKitui County Embarks on Irrigated Agriculture to Combat Food Insecurity

Kitui County Embarks on Irrigated Agriculture to Combat Food Insecurity

Kitui County, Kenya – June 13, 2024 – In a move to tackle food insecurity, Kitui County has initiated a robust program to promote irrigated agriculture. Senior county officials, including the Minister for Water and Irrigation, Peter Nkunda, the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Dr. Stephen Kimwele, and the Chief Officer for Irrigation, Brettah Mwangangi, conducted visits to several farming areas actively engaged in irrigation practices.

The delegation, which included representatives from USAID-STAWI led by Chief of the Party, Mr. Robert Kisyula, toured Thitha in Kivou Ward, Thunguthu in Kyuso Ward, and the Wikithuki Irrigation Scheme in Tseikuru Ward. The primary objective of the visit was to identify opportunities for collaboration to boost irrigated agriculture and address the ongoing food and nutrition challenges in the county.
During the visit, Dr. Stephen Kimwele assured the farmers of the county government’s unwavering commitment to advancing irrigated agriculture.

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He emphasized the administration’s focus on modern farming technologies and the provision of free extension services to support farmers across Kitui County.
Minister Peter Nkunda addressed the farmers at the Wikithuki Irrigation Scheme, highlighting the county’s partnership with USAID-STAWI and other stakeholders to rejuvenate the expansive 5,000-acre irrigation project.

Key initiatives include the installation of a solar power system to mitigate the high electricity costs, which have previously led to service interruptions due to unpaid bills.
Accompanying the ministers were engineers from the county’s irrigation department, led by Eng. Paul Kaleve, Mwingi North Sub-county Administrator Mwende Robert, and various other county officials.

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This initiative underscores Kitui County’s dedication to enhancing food security through strategic partnerships and the adoption of modern agricultural technologies, aiming to support and empower local farmers.


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